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Skin Tag Removal

From £250

Skin Tag Removal Cosmedics


Skin Tag Removal

From £250

All skin tags removed
Same day treatments
Costs from £250
Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

 0207 386 0464

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Skin Tag Removal in London & Bristol

Laser & surgical treatments for removal of stubborn and embarrassing skin tags in all areas of the body. Simple safe and gentle treatments

Skin tag removal

If you have an irritating fleshy piece of skin that sticks out the chances are this is a skin tag.

Skin tags are harmless but can be annoying and patients’ often just want to get rid of them as they can affect their self-confidence.  Skin tags are often visible in areas such as the face, eyelids, neck, underarm and groin. Most skin tags are 2-3mm in size and larger skin tags (papillomas) can reach 5mm or more.

Same Day Treatment

At Cosmedics we understand that patients want access to quick and effective treatments. Our unique ‘See & Treat’ service enables patients to see the doctor and have the treatment on the same day without the need to rebook or come back another day.

These include cryotherapy (freezing), surgical excision or laser treatment.

We also offer skin tag removal on the intimate/genitalia area such as anal skin tag and vaginal skin tag removal.

Treatment Benefits


15-30 minutes


No downtime





Skin tag before and after photos

Skin Tag Removal Costs

Skin TagsCost
Skin tag removal (small/simple)from £250
Skin tag removal (large/multiple)from £345
Genital skin tags
(vaginal/penile lesions)
from £500
Anal skin tags from £750

Skin Tag Removal Consultation

The cost of consultation with our doctors is £75. This is redeemable against the cost of treatment carried out on the same day.

Prices are a guide to the costs and the exact price can only be determined once the doctor has examined you in person. Most skin tags don’t need histology testing. However, in certain circumstances if the doctor thinks it is necessary, then they will discuss this with you and the related costs.

Please call 0207 386 0464 OR email enquiries@cosmedics.co.uk for help.

Meet our skin tag removal experts


Skin Tag Removal FAQ: Questions & Answers

What is the cause of skin tags?

It is unknown to what exactly causes skin tags on the body and face. Since skin tags usually show up in skin folds such as armpits and the neck friction be the cause. Skin tags are made up of blood vessels and collagen surrounded by an outer layer of skin. HPV which is a viral infection may be a factor in the development of skin tags.

Where do skin tags occur?

Skin tags are common on the neck, underarms, groin and eye areas that are simply a result of areas of skin rubbing and creating small excess tags of skin.

Why are skin tags a problem?

Skin tags treatment tends to be only necessary if they are cosmetically causing you discomfort or getting in the way of your everyday life. They can often affect peoples self-esteem and confidence as well as catching on clothes and getting irritated. If you are interested in skin tag removal treatment then get in touch today for a consultation.

Is it harmful to remove/pull off a skin tag yourself?

As tempting as it is to remove a skin tag by yourself, it is not advised. If you try to remove a skin tag yourself this can lead to bleeding and infection, it is best for a specialist to do so, book a consultation and speak to a doctor at Cosmedics today.

What does a skin tag look like on the face?

Often skin tags can be mistaken for spots especially when they are on the face. When on the face, the surface of skin tags may appear smooth or irregular in appearance. They are often raised from the surface of the skin on fleshy peduncles or stalks as a flesh-coloured or slightly brown appearance. If you feel like you have a skin tag on the face and would like this professionally removed then book a consultation with Cosmeidcs today.

Are there any over the counter remedies for skin tags?

They are not widely available, but you can get ‘DIY’ skin tag treatment preparations designed for use at home, available in larger chemists. If you are keen to try the self treatment route, ensure that you buy from a reputable high street supplier avoiding ‘internet cures’ which may be unregulated and untested.

Read the information very carefully to ensure that it is a suitable product for your requirements. For example, most cannot be used on facial areas and require the skin tags to have some very specific attributes.

If in doubt, book in to see one of our doctors and surgeons, who can offer skin tag removal in our registered clinics.


Can I get skin tags removed on the NHS?

The NHS considers skin tag removal to be a cosmetic issue and therefore does not offer treatments for this.

How does laser/excision treatment work?

In laser/excision procedures, the skin tag can be excised/snipped off under local anaesthetic to ensure that it has gone and won’t recur. Laser/excision skin tag removal is a quick procedure and is particularly satisfying as the skin tag is removed straight away, leaving only a slight blemish to the skin that will heal like a spot within a couple of days.

This tends to be the best method for all types of skin tags; including small, difficult areas, large tags or numerous skin tags.

How does cryotherapy/freezing treatment work?

Cryotherapy/freezing treatment uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin cells until they die. The tag tends to shrivel up for a few days before eventually falling off.

The freezing treatment normally involves 5-10 seconds of the liquid spray, applied with a break of 1-2 minutes between treatment cycles. The duration and number of treatment cycles depend on the skin type and the nature of the problem.

For small skin tag removal, cryotherapy or freezing treatment is a quick low priced option.

Will I need skin tag histology/testing?

In certain cases, we may advise patients to have their skin lesions sent for histology/testing. Histology/testing of the removed skin lesion is mandatory if the Doctor recommends it to ensure there are no abnormalities. The doctor will clarify this at the consultation. We realise patients often feel it is not required, so we charge the lowest prices possible for histology. It is important to offer this service, because occasionally rare or suspicious things are detected early on in lesions that can look normal.

Any test results or correspondence will be sent to your email account via an encrypted system called Egress. Should this not be preferable, please let us know at your appointment.

Which clinics offer skin tag removal treatment?

Skin tag removal treatment is available privately in all our London and Bristol skin clinics.

Book a consultation online and choose an appointment to suit you.


Skin tags heal like graze over 3-7 days in most cases and a simple plaster or Vaseline will suffice. If it were to get painful after this period of time or not heal then please let us know.

Often the treated area can be red for a few weeks and this can be massaged with moisturiser to help fade. You can carry on exercise as normal and wash and shower as normal.

For more information:


Skin tag removal aftercare

Skin tags heal like graze over 3-7 days in most cases and a simple plaster or Vaseline will suffice. If it were to get painful after this period of time or not heal then please let us know.

Often the treated area can be red for a few weeks and this can be massaged with moisturiser to help fade. You can carry on exercise as normal and wash and shower as normal.


Get In Touch

Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

Office Hours

We are currently closed, but open again at 09:00
Monday: 09:00 – 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 – 17:30
Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed
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