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Silicon Gel
To Aid Scar Healing


Facial Skin Tags


Silicon Gel
To Aid Scar Healing


Clinically Proven Results
UV Formula
As recommended by our doctors
Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

 0207 386 0464

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Why choose silicon scar gel?

Our doctors/surgeons recommend Kelo-Cote UV silicon scar gel for best results after the removal of moles or cysts.

Silicon Gel

Once the initial wound has healed, we recommend moisturising and massage of the area to minimise the appearance of scarring.

Cosmedics Skin Clinics’ mole removal doctors recommend Kelo-Cote UV gel for best results after the removal of moles or cysts.

Clinically Proven Results

Kelo-Cote® has been clinically proven to reduce the redness, hardness, elevation, itch and pain that can be associated with scars.

It can even help to soften, flatten and smooth old and new scars while maintaining the moisture balance and elasticity of the adjacent skin.

UV Formula

The UV formula provides vital protection from the sun’s UV rays during healing, as UV exposure has been clinically proven to interfere with healing, as well as being associated with the risk of inflammation and pigmentation.

This product is available from Cosmedics Putney clinic and Harley Street clinic.

Treatment Benefits









Silicon Scar Gel Costs

Silicon scar gelAvailable at clinic, POA

Silicon Scar Gel is available to purchase in our clinics. Please contact our team for more information.

Call 0207 386 0464 OR email  enquiries@cosmedics.co.uk for advice and help.

Meet your medical team


Silicon Scar Gel FAQ: Questions & Answers

How does Kelo-Cote® work?

Kelo-Cote® forms a bond with the outer layer of dead skin cells to form a protective layer over the skin. This layer forms a barrier against chemical, physical and microbial invasion of the scar site, yet the layer is gas permeable, flexible and waterproof.

This layer protects the scar while it matures, and improves the physiological and cosmetic appearance of the scar. It also helps to keep the area hydrated, further assisting with healing.

What is Kelo-Cote® made of?

Kelo-Cote® is a patented proprietary formula containing bio-inert and bio-compatible silicone compounds (polysiloxane, silicone dioxide and non-volatile silicone components).

How do I apply Kelo-Cote®?
  • Ensure that the skin is clean and dry
  • Apply Kelo-Cote® as a very thin layer and allow to dry. This should not take long. If it has not dried within 4–5 minutes, remove the excess and allow the drying process to continue
  • Once dry, Kelo-Cote® can be covered with clothing, sun block or cosmetics
  • For maximum effect, Kelo-Cote® gel should have 24 hour contact with the skin
  • Apply twice daily for best results

The Kelo-Cote layer® will normally dissipate as your skin cells naturally exfoliate, approximately in 24 hours. If necessary, gently washing with soap and water should remove any remainder prior to re-application.

Should I cover Kelo-Cote® with a plaster/dressing?

There is normally no need to use any dressings over Kelo-Cote® – no plasters, bandages or surgical tape are required, as Kelo-Cote® forms its own protective barrier.

However, if the scar is on an area of the body that is prone to being bumped and scraped, you may prefer to cover it with gauze or a silicone pad.

How long does it take for Kelo-Cote® to work?

The recommended minimum treatment time is 60–90 days. Larger and older scars may take longer and continued use is recommended if improvement is still seen after the initial 90 days.

Can Kelo-Cote® help with older scars?

Kelo-Cote® can help heal older scars as well as newer scars. However, older scars may take longer. If you are still seeing improvement after the initial 90 days, then continue to apply Kelo-Cote® until you are no longer seeing improvements.

For best results, start Kelo-Cote® as early as possible.


When should I start applying Kelo-Cote®?

Best results will occur when there is still healing taking place. Redness, itching, irritation, and scar growth are all signs of healing. If any of these signs are present, regardless of the age of the scar, Kelo-Cote® can improve the appearance of the scar. However, for best results we do recommend that you start Kelo-Cote® twice daily as soon as possible after your procedure.


Who is Kelo-Cote® suitable for?

Kelo-Cote® is suitable for use on children and people with sensitive skin. It is not suitable for anyone who is allergic to the ingredients contained in the gel, which include Dimethicone Analogues, Silicone, Polysiloxanes and Silicon Dioxide.


Get In Touch

Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

Office Hours

We are currently closed, but open again at 09:00
Monday: 09:00 – 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 – 17:30
Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed
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