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Ganglion Treatment

From £TBC

cysts and lipoma removal


Ganglion Treatment

From £TBC

Advanced techniques
Same day treatment
Affordable costs
Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

 0207 386 0464

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Ganglion Treatment, London

Our expert surgeons carry out ganglion treatment as day case surgery in our London clinics, using the latest advanced treatments for good healing and minimal scarring

What are ganglions?

Ganglions (or ganglia) are jelly-like lumps which can develop along the tendons or joints of your hands, wrists, hands, feet, and ankles. Ganglion cysts are round or oval in appearance. They are not cancerous and are quite common.

Small ganglion cysts are around the size of a pea, whereas bigger ones can grow to at least an inch in diameter. Ganglion cysts are typically painless, but if they are near a nerve, the cyst can be extremely uncomfortable and awkward, causing muscular weakness, tingling, and numbness. Essentially, a difficult ganglion position might obstruct joint mobility.

Ganglia are often stiff to the touch, although they can be soft. Some people feel that the lumps move readily beneath the skin, but that’s not always the case.

Ganglion cysts are frequently found in the tendons or joints of your feet, ankles, wrists, or hands. These cysts, however, can appear around other joints as well.

What causes ganglion to develop?

According to some reliable sources, a ganglion can form following joint damage that allows tissue to leak or bulge out. It could also be the result of a constant micro-injury.

However, many people aren’t really sure what triggered the ganglion – by the time it develops any injury may have been long forgotten.

Who is prone to them and why?

A ganglion cyst can affect anyone. However, some characteristics, such as age, gender, previous traumas, and illnesses such as arthritis, enhance your chances of developing a ganglion cyst.

Women experience them at a higher rate than males, particularly between 20 and 50 years old. There isn’t any evidence to date that supports this claim, but some believe if you misuse your wrist, you may develop ganglia.

Ganglion treatment options

Ganglion treatment does not have to be complicated. Cosmedics Skin Clinics provides options that can be carried out same day using local anaesthetic, ensuring the procedure is painless as well as quick.

When removing ganglions, our doctors will aspirate to ensure that the substance inside is extracted thoroughly as possible, thereby reducing the risk of the problem recurring in the future.

Treatment Benefits


30-45 minutes







Ganglion Treatment Costs


The cost of consultation with our doctors is £75. This is redeemable against the cost of treatment carried out on the same day. Prices are a guide to the costs and the exact price can only be determined once the doctor has examined you in person.

Please call 0207 386 0464 OR email enquiries@cosmedics.co.uk for help.

Ganglion treatment doctors & surgeons


Ganglion Treatment FAQ: Questions & Answers

When should I seek ganglion treatment?

If you have discomfort or discover a lump in your wrist, hand, ankle, or foot, you should consult your doctor or speak to one of the team here at Cosmedics Skin Clinics. The first step is to get an official diagnosis so that you can understand the treatment options available to you.

What's the difference between ganglions, cysts or lipomas?

In general, ganglions tend to be soft and jelly-like, cysts are often firm without excessive movement while lipomas, being primarily comprised of fatty tissue, are softer and can feel rubbery when pressed.

However, it isn’t always easy to tell the difference and it’s best to seek a proper diagnosis from a suitably qualified doctor.

Is it risky to leave a ganglion untreated?

If left untreated, there is a risk of complications. If the cyst becomes infected, it means that it has a high level of bacteria and could become an abscess. Abscesses that burst inside the body could lead to blood poisoning.

Your ganglion may not become infected, but the surest way to prevent it is to have the ganglion treated (removed).

Will a ganglion eventually go away on its own?

Some ganglion cysts go away without treatment but not all. Even for those that do go of their own accord, it can typically take a long time – well over a year and sometimes several years – before they disappear.

If it is not causing any pain or embarrassment, then you could choose to just leave it and see what happens. Just be alert for any signs of infection.

If you’d rather get your ganglion removed then ganglion treatment is the best option.

Can ganglions come back again after treatment?

Yes, there is a risk that your ganglion may reappear. The recurrence of ganglion cysts after surgical excision has a reported rate of 4% to 40%.

At Cosmedics Skin Clinics, we understand that our patients want their ganglion gone for good. We work hard to extract all the relevant matter to minimise the chances of recurrence. We can’t make any guarantees, but we can assure you that our recurrence rates are very low thanks to our doctors’ advanced techniques.

What aftercare guidance should I be aware of after ganglion treatment?

Ganglion treatment is a minor surgical procedures. For the first few days, rest the area as much as you can to allow it to heal. You want to avoid movement as this can be painful and could cause irritation/inflammation. However, you don’t need to completely demobilise the area and minimal, nonrepetitive activity is okay e.g. writing or carrying light objects. Listen to your body and if something feels wrong, stop. You’ll have full discussion about aftercare before your procedure.


Get In Touch

Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

Office Hours

We are currently closed, but open again at 09:00
Monday: 09:00 – 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 – 17:30
Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed
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