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Excessive Sweating
Hyperhidrosis Treatment

From £500

Hyperhidrosis treatment


Excessive Sweating
Hyperhidrosis Treatment

From £500

STOPs underarm sweating
Sweat free for 5 months
Costs from £500
Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

 0207 386 0464

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Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis treatment

Hyperhidrosis is a common problem for men and women. Stop excessive sweating for at least 5 months with BOTOX® Injections, suitable for underarms or hands

Botox sweating treatment

At Cosmedics, we are able to GUARANTEE the stopping of sweating with BOTOX® injections for at least 5 months in the underarm and hand area.

It takes about 10 minutes, is painless and you carry on your normal life without the worry of sweating.

If you are considering having the treatment don’t be put off by the fact that these are injections. We use special numbing cream and tiny acupuncture sized needles that mean you hardly feel anything. The whole treatment takes less than 10 minutes and will give you back the confidence to wear whatever you want and not to worry about the next damp patch.

BOTOX® sweating treatment costs from only £500. Treatment is available at all of our clinics in London and Bristol and Cosmedics only use expert doctors for BOTOX® treatments.

Our friendly team is very experienced in helping patients with hyperhidrosis and sweating problems so call us today on 0207 386 0464 to see how we can help you. More information about Hyperhidrosis.

Don’t sweat it

Patients often tell us that the damp or wet areas in the underarm area are not offensive smelling but just embarrassing and get worse when they think about it or are anxious. It can lead to lack confidence at work, when wearing certain light coloured clothes as well as worrying about what their partners or friends think.

Most people have already tried the strong deodorants, arm pads and a variety of other remedies with little or no effect.

Life changing treatment

The effect of Botox is nothing less that extraordinary as it targets just the specific sweat gland in the underarm / armpit areas. Patients lives are changed once they have tried this treatment as they can resume a normal life without having to worry about sweating and being embarrassed.

Botox sweating treatment costs from only £500. Treatment is available at all of our clinics in London and Bristol and Cosmedics only use expert doctors for Botox treatments.

Our friendly team is very experienced in helping patients with hyperhidrosis and sweating problems so call us today on 0207 386 0464 to see how we can help you. More information about Hyperhidrosis.

Treatment Benefits


15-30 minutes


No downtime


4-7 days


5 months

HyperhidrosisTreatment Reviews

Our Prices

Treatment Area Cost
Underarms (both)£500
Hands (both)£550
Other areas (on request) POA

Hyperhidrosis Consultation for Excessive Sweating

The cost of consultation with our doctors is £75. This is redeemable against the cost of treatment carried out on the same day.

Prices are a guide to the costs and the exact price can only be determined once the doctor has examined you in person.

Call 0207 386 0464 OR email  enquiries@cosmedics.co.uk for advice and help.

Meet our hyperhidrosis experts


Hyperhidrosis FAQ: Questions & Answers

Why do I get excessive sweating /hyperhidrosis?

The causes of excessive sweating can be due to anxiety, inherited condition, obesity or illness. However, in most cases, the cause is simply unknown. What treatments are available to stop sweating? Treatment options include antiperspirants, deodorants, sweat pads, medications (propranolol, robinul), BOTOX® injections and surgery. To get rid of armpit sweating is difficult but luckily BOTOX® injection treatments DO WORK and GUARANTEED to stop sweating.

Where does the sweat go after an armpit treatment?

The rest of the body compensates and ensures an even distribution so no other areas become affected.

Botox for hyperhidrosis is a life-changing treatment that enables people to have confidence in wearing normal clothes and not having to wear padding or change their shirts during the day.

What is the cost of BOTOX® injections for hyperhidrosis excessive sweating for the underarms?

The cost is £500.

What happens when the BOTOX® treatment wears off?

You can repeat the treatment as and when you need it. After successive treatments, the results last longer and are often not required as frequently.

How do I know if I have excessive sweating?

Normal sweating is a way to help keep the body temperature steady in hot weather, during a fever or when exercising. Excessive sweating/hyperhidrosis means that you sweat much more than considered normal. Even when you are not hot, anxious or exercising. you produce a lot of sweat. Excessive sweating is classified as either focal or generalized.

How do the BOTOX® injections work?

BOTOX® stops the nerve endings sending messages to the sweat glands and temporarily reduces the sweating. BOTOX® is also commonly used to treat wrinkles by relaxing certain muscles of the face. It is best known for BOTOX® wrinkle injections.

Botulinum toxin can also be used for a variety of different medical procedures given its unique properties. These unique elements allow the toxin to target specific neuromuscular junctions in the acetylcholine pathway. This pathway is only used by muscle and sweat gland receptors. This means the action can be so specific to the molecular level.

Certain areas where botox injections are now used are, muscle spasms in neck and eye areas, bladder instability by relaxing the detrusor muscle to help alleviate an overactive bladder, back pain to help ease the accessory muscles, jaw bruxism to aid the relaxation of lockjaw and some cases it has been known to help plantar fasciitis on the soles of the feet. It has also been shown to help in the treatment of migraines.

How does BOTOX® work to stop the underarm body sweat?

Botox injections work by stopping the sweat glands over firing and producing too much sweat. There is no effect on sweating elsewhere as it is a targeted treatment for small localized areas such as the underarms, hands or head.

BOTOX® aims to reduce sweating by up to 80% and is best for controlling sweating symptoms in the underarms, face and hands.

How long does the treatment take?

Treatments only take about 20 minutes and you can resume normal activities immediately. Rarely some patients who are very large or have a severe problem require a bigger dose which carries a supplemental fee which can be discussed with the doctor

Is BOTOX® for hyperhidrosis treatment available on the NHS?

No, it is listed as a cosmetic treatment and therefore needs to be done privately.

Other excessive sweating treatments

The most common methods for stopping sweating in the armpit or underarm area are antiperspirants and deodorants. Products such as Mitchum based can be helpful. Stronger aluminium hydroxide preparations like Driclor are applied at night. These can be helpful in stopping sweat for a few months. However, a tolerance can be generated in which case the effectiveness diminishes. Also, patients can be put off by the skin irritation that can quite often occur. Other home treatments such as iontophoresis are effective but again expensive and time-consuming and need to be done 2-3 times a week. It is the preferred method of choice for sweaty hands and feet.

Is excess sweat bad for my skin?

Hyperhidrosis can potentially cause painful or irritating skin problems due to the persistent damp in the area and the slightly acidic nature of the sweat itself. For example, patients may experience bacterial or fungal overgrowth, infections, and disintegration (also called maceration) of the skin. Skin tends to look and feel much healthier when it is not subjected to excessive amounts of sweat.

What does focused vs generalised hyperhidrosis mean?

Patients can have excessive sweating either in a localised area (focal) or over the entire body (generalised).

The conditions we treat are focal, affecting specific areas such as the axillae (underarms) or hands with varying degrees of severity.

When is Botox for sweating right for me?

If you have tried strong deodorants like Driclor, aluminium chloride, Mitcham, and other remedies like iontophoresis or arm pads and these are no longer suitable then trialling Botox would be advisable.

AFTERCARE INFORMATION – Botox Sweating Treatment
  • No heavy exercise for 24 hours just in case you sweat out the Botox
  • No deodorants for 12 hours
  • Otherwise you can carry on life as normal

Excessive Sweating Treatment Reviews

Underarms excessive sweating demo

“The best treatment ever. This is a real life changer”

Gareth W. London

“Only wish I had done this sooner. It was not painful and really works!!”

Alison. Surrey

“I can’t say honestly say this works so much better than I had hoped.”

Rob W. Clapham


Get In Touch

Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

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We are currently closed, but open again at 09:00
Monday: 09:00 – 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 – 17:30
Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed
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