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Earlobe Repair

From £950

Split Earlobe Repair


Earlobe Repair

From £950

Minor surgery
Quick recovery time
Expert procedures
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 0207 386 0464

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Earlobe repair for split or stretched lobes

A minor surgical procedure to close or reduce stretched earlobe holes or split earlobes for a neater and more pleasing shape.

Earlobe Problems

Stretched or split earlobes are very common. They can look unsightly and saggy and patients are concerned and self-conscious about the appearance.

The earlobe problem most commonly develops over a long period of time as a result of wearing heavy earrings. The weight of earrings gradually stretches the earlobe so that the small piercing becomes an elongated slit rather than a neatly pierced hole. What’s more, the surrounding flesh becomes loose and enlarged.

More recently, the trend to intentionally stretching the earlobes with gauges, spacers, flesh tunnels and tribal ear piercing jewellery has enabled people to create enlarged earlobe holes. Unfortunately, many patients do later on ‘change their mind’ about having stretched earlobes, perhaps when a more conventional look is required for professional purposes.

In extreme cases, the stretched ear piercing can eventually tear right through, creating a fully split earlobe. In other cases, it could be an accident in which the earring gets pulled, causing a split.

Whatever the cause, there is a treatment for enlarged earlobe holes or split earlobes.

Earlobe Repair

Earlobe repair is a minor surgical procedure which can effectively close or reduce extended earlobe holes or split earlobes to reshape the earlobes for a neater and more aesthetically pleasing look.

After numbing the area with a local anaesthetic, the surgeon will make an incision in the earlobe and then remove the edges of the slit and carefully stitch them together to repair the affected area.

Where possible, stitches will be on the reverse of the ear and attention will be given to minimising scarring.

Same Day Treatment

Assuming both the doctor and patient wish to go ahead, the minor surgical procedure can usually be undertaken the same day in clinic.

Conditions Treated

This procedure is suitable for a variety of earlobe problems:

  • Stretched or elongated piercings
  • Split ear
  • Saggy, droopy earlobes
  • Torn earlobe (e.g. from wearing earrings while playing sport)
  • Removal of excess/multiple/unwanted piercings
  • Tribal ear piercings
  • Flesh tunnels


Step by Step Earlobe Reconstruction

Firstly, the doctor/surgeon will carry out a full consultation and examination of the earlobe to understand the nature of the damage and provide information about the treatment options.

The procedure involves:

  1. A local anaesthetic is delivered by injection
  2. The edges of the split are removed
  3. The doctor/surgeon carefully stitches the edges together to repair the earlobe. Stitching is done from the reverse of the ear where possible for a better aesthetic result
  4. Removable stitches are normally taken out after a week


What aftercare is provided?

We don’t normally need to see a patient again after this procedure unless for removal of stitches.

This will be fully explained in consultation prior to treatment.

Patients are encouraged to contact us in case of any concerns or queries and we will ensure they are dealt with quickly.

Aftercare recommendations

Please see our FAQ section for more an outline of what to expect after treatment.

Massaging To Minimise Scarring


As part of our aftercare we recommend massaging the wound with Kelo-cote UV silicon scar gel.

This product protects the healing wound from sunlight.

A regular massage with Kelo-cots® is clinically proven to reduce scarring.

Treatment Benefits


1 hour


Up to 14 days





Before & After Earlobe Repair


Earlobe Repair Reviews

Earlobe Repair Costs

Prices from:
1 earlobe£950
2 earlobes£1,900

Earlobe Reconstruction Consultation

The cost of consultation with our doctors is £75. This is redeemable against the cost of treatment carried out on the same day. Prices are a guide to the costs and the exact price can only be determined once the doctor has examined you in person, as requirements do vary widely. Larger and more complex earlobe holes/splits are likely to incur a higher fee.

Please call 0207 386 0464 OR email enquiries@cosmedics.co.uk for help.

Earlobe Repair Experts


Earlobe Repair FAQ: Questions & Answers

Does earlobe repair surgery hurt?

No, earlobe repair surgery does not hurt, we use a local anaesthetic to ensure that the procedure is pain-free.

After the local anaesthetic wears off, you may wish to take painkillers for the rest of the day. By the next day, any discomfort has normally passed.

How long does earlobe repair take?

Our experienced doctors/surgeons can repair a split earlobe very quickly. The procedure is normally expected to take under an hour including the initial consultation.

How long does earlobe repair take to heal?

Initial healing takes a couple of weeks. During this time, you may experience itching, but should not expect any further bleeding after the first day, unless the area is accidentally knocked.

What are the risks of earlobe reconstruction?

With any cosmetic plastic surgery procedure there are potential side-effects in terms of infection, bleeding and scarring. At Cosmedics our doctors who are experts in dermatological surgery will ensure the highest standards of care and will also provide you with aftercare instructions to minimise the risks.

What techniques are used for this procedure?

Earlobe reshaping is a minor surgical procedure. It is carried out on a ‘day case’ basis in our clinics and generally takes no more than an hour, including the consultation.

The surgeon will use a scalpel to expose and remove the stretched flesh inside the hole or split. The fleshy part of the earlobe will then be drawn together and secured with stitches to hold it in the right place while the flesh heals.

When can I wear earrings again?

We do not recommend wearing earrings for at least 6 months after earlobe repair surgery to help prevent a recurrence.

Please note:

  • The ear is likely to need re-piercing. This should not be done for at least 6 months
  • Heavy earrings must be avoided permanently so that the problem does not recur
  • Wear small, light, hypoallergenic earrings for the first 2 weeks
  • Your ears may completely heal over and require re-piercing
Does earlobe repair surgery scar?

Any surgery will leave a scar, although we do use precise methods in order to minimise this.

As part of our aftercare, we recommend the use of Kelo-cote UV silicon scar gel, which is clinically proven to reduce scarring and protects the healing wound from sunlight.

Rarely, some people with very dark or light skin have an abnormal response to healing and end up with larger scars than usual (hypertrophic or keloid scars). We will assess and discuss this at consultation prior to treatment.

What aftercare is involved after earlobe repair?

We normally advise the following general aftercare, unless the doctor/surgeon gives any different instructions, which should take precedent:

  • Keep the wound dry for 2 days
  • Leave any dressings for up to a week
  • You will be informed as to whether your stitches are dissolvable or need to be removed
  • Steri-strips can be applied over the wound for up to 3 weeks to help the wound heal
  • After 3 weeks the wound can be massaged with silicone scar gel
  • If there is any increasing pain or redness consult your doctor as it could be a sign of infection
Which clinics perform an earlobe repair procedure?

Cosmedics Skin Clinics can carry out split earlobe treatment in our London clinics at Harley StreetCity of LondonPutney, South Kensington.

Related Conditions


Get In Touch

Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

Office Hours

We are currently closed, but open again at 09:00
Monday: 09:00 – 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 – 17:30
Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed
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