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Cheek Enhancement Fillers

From £420

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Cheek Enhancement Fillers

From £420

Contouring to emphasise cheekbones
Revolumising to smooth out hollows
Costs from £420
Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

 0207 386 0464

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Cheek enhancement fillers

Cheek enhancement fillers are a highly effective way to emphasise cheekbones and also helpful in correcting ageing facial hollows. 

Why choose cheek enhancement fillers?

Cheek enhancement is an incredibly flattering treatment which uses the latest dermal filler to improve the profile.

It is also very versatile as the treatment is adjusted to each individual.

For some, it is an anti-ageing procedures, smoothing out hollows that can appear over time with loss of facial volume and creating rounder and more youthful cheeks.

For others, it is a beautifying treatment which works to emphasise the shape of the cheeks, adding contour and definition that is highly attractive.

Using the latest advanced dermal fillers, this treatment is fast and pain-free. Results last around 18 months and can be topped up in order to maintain the benefit before they fully wear off.

How does cheek enhancement work?

The doctor uses advanced, long-lasting dermal fillers to build up volume beneath the skin. Depending on requirements, this could be on, above or below the cheekbone. Where required, it can even be lower down directly into a sunken area.

What can cheek enhancement fillers help with?

  • Lack of definition/poor contours
  • Facial hollows/sunken cheeks

Treatment Benefits


15-30 minutes


No downtime




Up to 24 months

Before & After Cheek Enhancement Filler Results


Cheek Filler Reviews

Cheek Enhancement Filler Costs

TreatmentPrice Range
Cheek enhancement with advanced dermal fillers £420-670

Cheek Enhancement Fillers Consultation

The cost of consultation with our doctors is £75. This is redeemable against the cost of treatment carried out on the same day.

Prices are a guide to the costs and the exact price can only be determined once the doctor has examined you in person.

Call 0207 386 0464 OR email  enquiries@cosmedics.co.uk for advice and help.

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Cheek Enhancement Fillers FAQ: Questions & Answers

What product is used for this procedure?

At Cosmedics Skin Clinics, our doctors only use advanced and long-lasting Juvederm® hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers.

Will I get hamster cheeks?

Not at all, our doctors specialise in delivering treatments that look natural and flattering. The ‘hamster cheek’ type results tend to be from very heavy handed treatment, either using too much product or injecting it incorrectly or both.

Our team use relatively little dermal filler. It’s all about expertise in terms of where and how the injections are placed.

If you put filler in facial hollows, will I end up with flat cheeks?

We are careful never to go too far in our treatments. This means that filler is added sparingly and carefully. We want to remove ageing facial hollows but won’t ‘overfill’. The goal is to create softer lines and contours instead of harsh depressions.

Do cheek fillers stretch the skin?

Dermal fillers only stretch the skin when an excessive/extreme quantity is injected. At Cosmedics Skin Clinics, our team specialise in the natural look, so this would be extremely likely with our style of injecting.

Do cheek fillers sink over time?

Dermal filler will not drift down the face. Once it is position it will stay there until it naturally breaks down.

Do cheek fillers create a mini face lift?

Cheek enhancement can provide a bit of a lift, but it is not really akin to a face lift, as the treatment is specifically within the cheek area.

A face lift is a more comprehensive treatment – even when it is non-surgical – as it considers the whole of the face rather than just one area.

Our 8-point facelift uses advanced dermal fillers in 8 strategic positions. This does give a noticeable lift to the entire face, from top to bottom (forehead to jawline). More information at 8 point face lift.

How long do cheek filler results last?

We’d normally expect the full result to last around 15-18 months, after which point the results ‘fade’ as the fillers break down within the skin. It can take up to 2 years before the fillers have completely dissipated.

To maintain optimum results, we recommend a repeat treatment before results have completely disappeared. You don’t need to wait for one treatment to fully wear off before having it redone.


For detailed information:



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Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

Office Hours

We are currently closed, but open again at 09:00
Monday: 09:00 – 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 – 17:30
Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed
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