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Cyst Removal, London
5 Fast Facts About Cyst removal
- Same day treatment, takes 20 minutes
- The area is numbed so painless
- Recovery 7-10 days
- Minimal scarring techniques
- 4 London cyst clinics
Looking to have a cyst removed?
We offer the cyst removal surgery on the same day for all cysts. We have 4 cyst removal clinics in London at Harley Street, City, Putney and Kensington. Our aim is to remove the cysts with the least amount of scarring possible and ensure they are removed completely including the sac so they don’t recur. Our plastic surgeons experience and training ensure the quickest recovery and best outcome possible.
If you have a lump in the skin that is slowly growing, soft or firm under or protruding through the skin it could be a sebaceous cyst. These cysts are the most common and often filled with fluid or creamy cheese like substance called sebum. A lipomas is another similar lump that can mimic its signs however they that often sit deeper in the skin.
We often prefer to remove cysts when they are 2-4 cm in size. This not only negates the risk of them getting infected or bursting under the skin but also any scarring from the removal is minimal. So if you notice your cyst growing it is a good time to remove it sooner rather than later. We do also remove large or very large cysts that have been growing for years in all parts of the face, scalp, neck, body and genital areas and again aim to make any marks or scars as small as possible.
What does the treatment involve?
At the consultation the doctor will examine your lump or cyst and decide on the provisional diagnosis and how best to treat the lump. There are a variety of cysts that can occur depending on the areas of the body or the face that they occur. Typically, on the scalp they are pilar cysts, on the face and body sebaceous cysts, the wrists, hands elbows and ankles they can are ganglion cysts.
They are all amenable to surgical excision under local anaesthetic and often take 20-30 minutes to do.
In most cases we make a micro excision to make any scarring as small as possible. There are then 2-3 small sutures put in place that are then normally removed 1-2 weeks later with a small dressing to cover the wound. In most cases you can carry on life as normal but maybe avoid heavy exercise for the first week.
Why Cosmedics for cyst removal?
You will be seen by one of our expert skin doctors who can offer same day cyst removal as part of our ‘See & treat’ service.
We are also pioneers of the micro excision short scar technique(1) so any cyst removal leaves the smallest scar possible(2).
Our costs start from £500 at any of our CQC registered clinics in London.
Treatment Benefits
Cyst Removal Results
Cyst Removal Costs
Treatment | Surgery Cost |
Simple cyst | from £500 |
Larger cysts | from £750 |
Cyst Consultation
The cost of consultation with our doctors is £75. This is redeemable against the cost of treatment carried out on the same day.
Prices are a guide to the costs and the exact price can only be determined once the doctor has examined you in person. Most cysts don’t need histology testing. However, in certain circumstances if the doctor thinks it is necessary, then they will discuss this with you and the related costs.
Please call 0207 386 0464 OR email enquiries@cosmedics.co.uk for help.
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Cyst Removal FAQ: Questions & Answers
A skin cyst is a round, dome-shaped lump that is smooth and has yellow or white colour. A skin cyst is a fluid-filled lump or bump with smelly cheese like substance just underneath the skin. It may feel like a small, smooth pea under the skin’s surface.
Cysts can range in size from smaller than a pea to a few centimetres across. Skin cysts do not usually hurt, but can become tender, sore and red if they become infected.
Cysts are common and harmless and most slowly grow with time.
Cysts can be formed for a variety of different reasons. They can be caused by infections, inherited diseases, chronic inflammation and most commonly blockages in ducts. The common type of cysts are:
Epidermoid & Pilar cysts
An Epidermoid cyst is a small benign bump filled with keratin protein, often these occur if you have trauma around a hair follicle within the skin. An Epidermoid cyst grows deeper into the skin rather and eventually grows outwards to the surface which then the cyst is properly formed and able to be removed.
Sebaceous cyst
Sebaceous cysts often form from the sebaceous glands. These glands are part of the skin and hair follicles, if they get ruptured or blocked the glands then generate sebaceous cysts. The sebaceous glands make the oil for your hair and skin, these cysts are made from sebum and are less common than Epidermoid cysts.
Chalazia cyst
Chalazia cysts are benign cysts that occur on your eyelids when the oil gland duct is blocked, These cysts can be quite painful and cause blurred vision, painful swelling and can often grow quite large. Chalazia cysts are best to get diagnosed and removed as soon as possible before the symptoms cause too much pain for the individual.
It can be difficult to tell whether a lump is a cyst or something else that might need treatment. Sebaceous cysts can be confused with lipomas that often sit deeper in the skin. These are also harmless and can be removed if they are bothersome.
It can be very difficult to self-diagnose a cyst, as there are so many types. Our doctors are expert in diagnosing and treating all sorts of lumps and bumps, blemishes and lesions. As well as cysts and lipomas, we also see and treat moles, skin tags and warts.
The best way to find out more is to book a face to face consultation with one of our experts. You’ll get a proper diagnosis as well as advice about treatment options.
Cysts can develop as a result of infection, clogging of sebaceous glands, or around foreign bodies or ingrown hairs. Cysts often occur on the face, scalp and body with the commonest types being a sebaceous cyst, epidermal or pilar cysts.
The treatment will generally last around 30 minutes and it is carried out under local anaesthetic. The cost for the removal of a cyst by surgical excision starts from £500. The cost for medium cyst is about £750 and larger cysts £850. The exact cost will be given when the doctor assess the cyst before your procedure.
At Cosmedics we are aware of peoples perception it might be painful. This is not the case as we use nano sized needles to numb the area first so you don’t feel anything during the procedure.
Cysts grow with time and can become uncomfortable and a nuisance that means people become more self-conscious about them. If a cyst is on the face ideally you want to remove them when they are small so any scar will be less. If they are on the body or scalp when they reach 2-3 cm in size you would ideally time to remove them so any scarring is minimal.
If left untreated, benign cysts can cause complications including infection; where the cyst fills with bacteria and pus and becomes an abscess which leads to be a bigger wound and more scarring.
Our doctors use micro excisions where possible to any scarring is kept to a minimum and heal quickly.
No, for most cyst removals you can return to work the next day.
You can wash and shower, but be careful to keep the area dry for the first 1-2 days. Avoid long baths for 7 days.
Yes, you will be given dressings to use that are changed every 2-3 days.
You might have some discomfort for a day or so, in which case parcetamol or ibuprofen are fine to take.
Walking and gentle exercise is fine. However, if the area is affected by exercise such as the leg then we recommended leaving heavy exercise for 2 weeks.
The vast majority of cysts can be removed in the same appointment as your consultation as part of our ‘See & Treat’ service.
Our exclusive ‘See & Treat’ system was designed specifically to enable clients to go ahead with treatment in the same appointment as their consultation (as long as both patient and Doctor/Surgeon are agreed). If you’re not sure there’s no obligation to go ahead straightaway; you’re welcome to arrange treatment for another day if preferred.
In some cases, complex cysts may require a longer treatment and therefore require a separate appointment. Your doctor/surgeon will advise on this during your consultation after full assessment and diagnosis of the cyst.
Yes, cyst removal is entirely pain-free thanks to the use of local anaesthetic.
After cyst removal, we normally will need to use stitches to bring the edges of the wound together. We use dissolving stitches where possible, but in some cases, stitches may need removing by your Doctor/Surgeon 1-2 weeks after cyst removal.
We will advise on this fully after assessment of your cyst during your initial consultation.
Most cysts are removed very carefully using a sterile scalpel.
It is important to avoid soaking the area for 7 days, so leave a week before you go swimming – more if you think the wound needs a bit more time to heal.
You will be given specific instructions regarding wound care and dressings in your appointment.
There is usually a dressing applied after facial cyst removal, to protect the wound while it starts to heal. You will be given some additional dressings to go home with and can replace the dressing if needed. Be gentle when removing any dressings. Soaking in some warm water (not overly hot) can help loosen it up if stuck. After removing the dressing, the wound itself can be cleaned with some soapy water, then dried.
If you are using steri-strips, then you reapply by cutting the strips in half and applying across the wound. If required, the shower proof dressing is then put on top.
Your doctor/surgeon will advise how long you need to use dressings, steristrips and shower proof layers.
You will be given specific instructions regarding wound care and dressings in your appointment, as this can vary depending on the nature of treatment that you’ve had.
After cyst removal, our doctor/surgeon will usually apply a dressing. You will be given some additional dressings so that you can replace it at home if needed. Be gentle when removing any dressings. Soaking in some warm water (not overly hot) can help loosen it up if stuck. After removing the dressing, the wound itself can be cleaned with some soapy water, then dried.
If you are using steristrips, these are usually cut in half and then applied across the wound. A shower proof dressing is then put on top (if supplied).
Your doctor/surgeon will give specific instructions regarding wound care and dressings in your appointment.
We usually use a spray on dressing applied after cyst removal on the scalp, as dressings can be quite awkward where there is a lot of longer hair. The spray on dressing protects the wound while it starts to heal.
Keep this area dry for 1-2 days. After then, you can wash the hair as normal, but be especially gentle and careful around the wound. Apply Vaseline or silicone scar gel 2-3 times a day to help the wound heal.
Stitches are then removed 7-10 days later. We will check on how the wound is healing and give any further advice as required.
Some bruising in the area is quite normal after cyst removal. This normally takes 7-14 days to settle. Gentle massage and arnica cream can help speed up the recovery.
Once the wound has healed (typically around 2 weeks) then scar therapy can start. Our advice for the best scar reduction therapy is as follows:
Cyst removal from body/limbs
- Continue to support the wound with steri-strips or micropore tape for 2 months changing them every couple of days as they get worn. The reason for this that even though the wound has healed the wound is only at about 50% of its normal skin strength at this stage, so in areas when the skin moves a lot the scar then stretches if it is not supported during these first few few months whilst it regains more strength.
- After the period of strapping for 1-2 months, you can then start to massage with Silicon scar gel, Bio-Oil or vitamin e cream. This should be done 2-3 times a day for the next 3 months to help improve the redness and texture of the scar.
Cyst removal from facial areas
- Apply silicon scar gel twice a day, morning and evening. Dermatix or Kelo-cote are available at Cosmedics Skin Clinics or at most chemists.
- Make-up can be applied over the top once the scar gel has dried if needed.
- Gentle massage during the day using moisturising cream or oil (e.g. Bio-Oil) helps soften the scar as well. This can be done for up to 3 months.
You will have a dressing over the site so we ask that you keep this dry for 24-48 hours but can then wash as normal. If it’s uncomfortable simple ibuprofen or paracetamol is ok to take. You may have stitches that will be removed 7-14 days after the procedure so should avoid strenuous exercise until then. You can resume work straight after the treatment.
Aftercare after cyst removal is fairly straightforward.
You will go home with a small plaster over the wound and any stitches will be removed in 7-14 days. You may experience some mild discomfort for 1-2 days, which will then settle.
You can carry on normal activities during this time according to doctor’s instructions. You will be given an aftercare sheet that will outline all the details. Please click below for detailed information: