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BOTOX Results

From £275



BOTOX Results

From £275

Botox treatments from qualified doctors
Natural looking results
From £275 for men & women
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Botox Results

Am I eligible for Botox?

Botox is widely chosen as an anti-ageing treatment for reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. It is primarily used for those with developing or established signs of ageing; but there are those who choose to start early with Botox as a preventative treatment.

In the UK, Botox is not available for anyone under the age of 18. At Cosmedics Skin Clinics, we tend to see the mid-twenties as a more sensible minimum age and most patients tend to start around the late 20s/early 30s. However, everyone is different and we’re always happy to advise on individual circumstances and help you decide whether or when is right for you.

We would advise against Botox if you’re pregnant or nursing (breastfeeding), but otherwise, most people are eligible for treatment.

Our Botox consultation includes a medical pre-screening, so we’ll check everything before carrying out any treatment. Please call our expert Botox advisers if there’s anything you’d like to check before you book.

What to expect during the Botox treatment

At Cosmedics Skin Clinics, all patients will have a full consultation prior to Botox treatment. Even clients that have been coming for years know to expect this, as part of our thorough service and high attention to medical excellence. We review past treatments, check any relevant medical issues and discuss what you’re trying to achieve. This enables us to agree a suitable treatment plan and quote accordingly.

If you decided to go ahead, your doctor will start by marking out the treatment area and finalising the injection plan. Then they’ll prepare the Botox injection and syringe. Finally the injections are delivered carefully and precisely into place. You’ll normally have a few little injections rather than a smaller number of big ones. This approach helps our experts to get a nice natural and flattering result.

What to expect after the Botox treatment

After the injections, you may notice some redness and swelling around where the needle went in. There may even be pinpricks noticeable for a short time. These are quite common side-effects but don’t tend to last long. Bruising is rarer, but can occur. This will take a bit longer to dissipate but can be hidden with makeup if necessary. 

Some patients get a headache or even feel a bit fluey for the first 24 hours or so. This can be managed with paracetamol and usually passes within a day. 

Results of Botox treatment are not instant, but you’ll normally see some improvement within a few days.


How long does Botox take to work and when will I see the effects

You don’t see results straightaway with Botox, but it won’t take long. Normally you’ll see a reduction in lines/wrinkles within a few days of having the injections. Procedures involving a ‘lift’ can be a bit longer. It generally takes up to 2 weeks for the full results to develop

Why does Botox take time to work

Once you’ve had Botox injections, they work to block the neurotransmitters in the nerve. It takes a little time for the Botox to be absorbed by nerve cells in contact with the muscle. Once this has happened, the neurotransmitters become less active, thereby reducing the amount of muscle movement.

How Botox feels when it starts working

Botox injections are used to limit muscle movements, so you may notice subtle changes in how your face moves. Some clients note that it feels odd not to be moving muscles that would previously contract a lot more. However, don’t worry about feeling frozen or immobile, that’s not the style of Botox that we provide at Cosmedics. Many patients don’t feel any different at all.

Does repeated use of Botox affect duration?

Many advocates of Botox swear that they get longer results with more treatments. The reason for this is that regular Botox treatment can make the facial muscles that caused lines and wrinkles become weaker over time. Typically a first Botox treatment might last 3-4 months, but regular patients can see results last up to 6 months, as there are already fewer lines and wrinkles.

How frequently should you get Botox once your first dose?

We recommend getting a regular maintenance treatment for best results, ideally before the previous treatment has completely worn off. For some clients, this may be sooner than others. It depends on a host of reasons including a person’s age, how long they’ve been having Botox, lifestyle (e.g. smoking, hydration) and skincare. At your consultation, our experts will give you their best advice based on examination of your skin. They’ll advise what to expect going forward and when you should book your next treatment.

Should I take a break between Botox treatments?

For best results, it’s best to have regular Botox and maintain the benefit, rather than allowing all the results to fade away before having another treatment. Taking a break would most likely mean seeing the lines and wrinkles return fully. This can be avoided by having a repeat treatment when the results start to fade, rather than waiting form them to fully wear off.

How do I prevent new wrinkles overtime?

The number one cause of wrinkles is sun exposure, so wearing a high SPF sunscreen every day can help enormously to reduce premature ageing in the skin. This is advised as a year-round habit, not just for summer. Good skin care is also important – keeping the skin cleansed and hydrated. If you’re a smoker, then quitting or cutting back can also have an enormous impact on reducing the appearance of new wrinkles. These are simple measures you can do whether or not you choose to have regular Botox treatments. If you do have Botox, this advice will help you see even better results by keeping your skin in good health.

Botox results at Cosmedics Skin Clinic

Cosmedics Skin Clinics are known for providing results that strike the right balance between getting an effective reduction in wrinkles that still looks natural and retains normal facial movements. See our before and after results for some great examples of how our Aesthetic Doctors have smoothed out the signs of age while retaining expression. Results are pleasant and flattering, rather than being too over the top. That’s why many of our clients recommend us and return year after year for Botox treatment at our clinics.

Our Botox treatment prices

Our website prices are a guide to the costs. Our Aesthetic Doctors will confirm the exact price during your consultation, after examining your skin in person and discussing your requirements in detail.

As part of our quality of care, we offer free Botox top ups after 2-4 weeks to ensure the Botox results are as good as possible.
We work hard to keep our prices competitive while ensuring high standards throughout. Treatments are carried out using top brand product and sterile equipment in CQC registered premises. As a doctor-led independent company, safety is our first priority.

Treatment Benefits


15 minutes


No downtime


3-4 days


4-5 months

Botox before & after results   


Botox Reviews


What is Botox?

Botox is the best anti-ageing treatment for frown, forehead and eye wrinkles, and that is a fact! It is a worldwide success as the number one treatment shows no signs of diminishing, with over 500,000 face treatments in the UK alone.

How does Botox work?

Botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle then relaxes. That makes the overlying skin lines also relax and smooth out.

Botox is most often used on forehead lines, crow’s feet (lines around the eye), and frown lines

Botox clinical references and studies
(1) Clinical Indications and Injection Technique for the Cosmetic Use of Botulinum A Exotoxin
(2) Dermatol surg 1998 Nov;24(11):1232-4.
  • doi: 10.1111/j.1524-4725.1998.tb04103.x.
  • Cosmetic use of botulinum A exotoxin for the aging neck
  • F S Brandt 1, B Bellman
  • PMID: 9834744
  • DOI: 10.1111/j.1524-4725.1998.tb04103.x
(3)- Semin Cutan Med Surg  2001 Jun;20(2):71-84.
  • doi: 10.1053/sder.2001.25138.
  • Botulinum toxin type A: history and current cosmetic use in the upper face
  • A Carruthers 1, J Carruthers
  • PMID: 11474747
  • DOI: 10.1053/sder.2001.25138
(4) Dermatol Ther
At what age should you start getting Botox?

Both men and women typically start Botox in their late twenties/early thirties, with the most popular age group 30-60 years old.

Are the injections painful?

No as we use nano sized needles for pain-free injections. This also helps to minimise bruising and redness afterwards.

Can I have Botox while pregnant/breastfeeding?

No. Whilst Botox is a safe treatment, like a lot of medications it is not recommended during pregnancy or breast feeding, as it is not licensed for this.

Does Botox make you look older after it wears off?

No. Botox essentially rests the skin; so that during the time the Botox is smoothing out the skin, it has a chance to repair.

This actually makes the skin look better for longer even after the Botox has worn off.

Are there different types of botulinum toxin?

Yes, Botox is the most commonly used type of toxin, but others include Disport, Azzalure and Vistabel.

How do I get rid of my other wrinkles?

Other areas that often people have signs of ageing are the cheeks and jawline. Dermal fillers and thread lifts are the best options for these.

What is the Botox cost in London UK?

The cost of Botox for women is £275 for 1 area, £350 for 2 areas and £395 for 3 areas.

For men Botox cost is £275 for 1 area, £380 for 2 areas and £425 for 3 areas as they require more Botox due to stronger muscles


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Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

Office Hours

We are currently closed, but open again at 09:00
Monday: 09:00 – 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 – 17:30
Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed
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