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Skin Tags – Body

Skin tags are tiny areas of skin that have created a loose piece of tissue that protrudes from the surface.

Skin Tags Body


Skin Tags – Body

Skin tags are tiny areas of skin that have created a loose piece of tissue that protrudes from the surface.

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Treatments for skin tags on the body

What are skin tags?

Do you have small protruding lumps of skin appearing on your body that look similar to warts? If you do, one possibility is that you are suffering from skin tags. If you’ve never heard this term before then you’re probably asking yourself, “What are skin tags?

The first thing you need to know is that a skin tag is not harmful to your health. They are simply a very common skin condition that is more a cosmetic nuisance rather than a medical problem. If you left them alone, nothing bad would happen to you. Of course, if they are in a prominent visual position they can be a cause of anxiety and embarrassment.

If you’re embarrassed about the way you look because of skin tags or you simply want to learn more about what skin tags are then this site will provide you with answers to your questions. These flaps of skin can show up almost anywhere. In the armpits, breasts, chest, neck, eyelids, and many more places. And don’t think that there is something wrong with you if you have more than one. Many people have several skin tags and have had them for years.

If you have skin tags, you will know that skin tags themselves do not hurt. However, one of the worst aspects of tags is that they can get irritated if they are rubbed, especially from the daily knocking clothes up against them.

There are several treatments for skin tags and they can vary in their results. At our Cosmedics clinics our doctors will not only examine them to ensure they are skin tags but can also remove then at the same appointment.

What causes skin tags?

They are caused by skin friction and rubbing in areas under the breasts, arms and in between legs and thighs. The neck is also a common area due to shirts rubbing. Your family history can be another cause of these skin lesions particularly if they occur around the eyes and eyelids. Occasionally groin, genital and anal skin tags can occur that may be caused by a virus creating a warty skin tag. During pregnancy skin tags can be quite common and are perfectly safe to remove.

Even though the causes are not exactly known there are some theories. One possible reason is it can be passed on genetically from your family. Obesity is another factor that may cause skin tags as many people who are overweight seem to develop them. Other causes are over active hormones during pregnancy that is a perfectly normal occurrance and not have any medical consequences. However, for some people they can be very embarrassing and have some negative psychological impact. Whatever the cause of skin tags, they can appear at any age but are more common as we get older.

There are many options you can pursue to remove skin tags. You can get them surgically removed by your doctor at one of our six skin clinics that offer specialist same day treatments

Home treatments for skin tags

Home remedies that include tying a piece of cotton thread around the base of skin tags in the hope they fall off can often lead to infection and leave the root so are best avoided. Destructive creams that are often acid based and other DIY skin tag removal can lead to bad scarring in some cases and we would advise patients to seek proper medical advice before embarking on these treatments.

Skin tags on the body commonly occur in axilla underarms or groin areas. Those in the underarms and groin often occur due to the friction of skin rubbing on skin which causes the skin tags to grow. They can become numerous in number over time and grown quite large. They often have their own blood supply so can bleed a lot if people attempt DIY removal which is not advised.

Genital Skin Tags

Skin tags can also occur in the embarrassing and sensitive anal and vaginal areas. See separate pages for information on anal skin tags and vaginal skin tags.

Body skin tags are easily removed

The removal of skin tags is simple and quick. Most require a medical professional to remove so it is done safely and without any risk of infection or recurrence.



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