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Cysts, Lipoma & Lumps

cysts and lipoma removal


Cysts, Lipoma & Lumps

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Treatments for cysts, lipoma & lumps?

What are cysts, lipoma & lumps?

Cysts and lipomas are lumps that appear in the skin. Lipoma tend to be larger than cysts and are filled with fat, whereas cysts are filled with liquid or semi-solid matter. Although these lumps and bumps on the skin are fairly common, they can be worrying – especially where they are large or persistent. Cyst or lipomas are not normally painful, but they can certainly be very uncomfortable if the bump is jarred or becomes inflamed for any reason.

While the majority of cysts and lipomas are harmless, if there is any concern, they should be checked by an experienced doctor. As well as causing medical concerns, cysts and lumps on the skin can make you feel self-conscious due to the aesthetic appearance, especially if it’s in a noticeable place.

What are cysts?

A cyst is a sac-like pocket in the skin which is a semi-solid or liquid-filled lumps. They can appear anywhere on the body or face and can be as small as a pea or larger than an orange. They are usually benign (i.e. not cancerous) and grow slowly.

There are different types of skin cysts, depending on where they appear on the body. Cysts form because cells that are usually shed on the surface of the skin, move deeper into the skin layers, where they multiply. Keratin is secreted into the centre forming a sac. Cysts tend to be caused by clogged sebaceous glands, ingrown hairs and infection.

What are lipomas?

Another common cause of bumps on the skin are lipomas. These may look a lot like cysts, but are made up of fatty deposits, so they usually feel a little softer and may be malleable (movable) under the surface of the skin.

Like cysts, lipoma are medically harmless and usually cause little discomfort unless they rub or catch on something. So medically, they are rarely a cause for concern, yet for cosmetic reasons, patients can find them very difficult and unsightly. The main reason for wanting to have a cyst or lipoma removed is aesthetic, which means that treatment is rarely granted on the NHS. However, many patients choose to have them removed privately for cosmetic reasons or because their placement causes irritation.

Cyst and lipoma removal

At Cosmedics Skin Clinics, we understand the worry that a lump or bump on the skin can cause. Lipoma and cyst removal can be carried out quickly (including Sebaceous, epidermal and pilar cysts).

Our doctors and surgeons are trained with minimally invasive techniques. With a ‘short scar’ protocol, you can rest assured that removal results in minimal scarring. In fact, after the initial redness and healing stage, many people are left with very little visible scarring following cyst or lipoma removal and certainly it is a lot less noticeable than the bump that was originally there.

Our ‘See and Treat’ approach enables you to obtain a diagnosis and removal of cyst or lipoma on the same day. Furthermore, we have access to affordable histology services, which means potentially harmful or worrying lesions can be analysed quickly for your peace of mind. Please call us today and we will be happy to book a no-obligation appointment. Our experts will be happy to assess your feet and discuss options.


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