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Anal Skin Tags

Anal skin tag removal


Anal Skin Tags

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 0207 386 0464

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Anal skin tags are growths of skin around the anal opening, which can become quite pendulous and irritating.

What are anal skin tags?

Skin tags in the anus and genital area can be very embarrassing for men and women and often cause considerable distress and occasionally discomfort.

Skin tags in the anus are very common and are often found in connection with other anal conditions. People often mistake their skin tags for haemorrhoids which strictly speaking they are not. However, patients may find they have both.

The causes for anal skin tags are often quite commonly due to the resolution of a pile or haemorrhoid that leaves a fleshy piece of skin around the edge of the anus that has resulted from the skin stretching and not shrinking back again. This is very common in pregnancy and post delivery that mothers often find they have this problem.

These anus skin tags can often be annoying and can get inflamed. Anal skin tags can also cause a hygiene issue when wiping after using the toilet.

In addition, the presence or appearance of skin tags can cause confidence issues with partners. Patients also naturally dislike the appearance of anal skin tags as in a lot of cases they already been able to see their skin tags with the use of a mirror and some adept positioning.

NHS skin tag removal

The NHS unfortunately does not cover the removal of anal skin tags in most cases as it is deemed more cosmetic and often not considered as medically important.

Anal Skin Tag Treatments

Depending on the nature of the problem, we can provide laser and/or surgery to remove anal skin tags.

Same day service

The good news is that for most patients we can offer removal under local anaesthetic with a walk in walk out procedure on the same day. The minor surgical procedure takes under an hour in most cases as our techniques ensure the actual anal skin tag removal procedure is pain-free by administering a special numbing injection.

All our doctors are trained in skin surgery and sexual health so will be able to assess the condition properly and give the most appropriate advice. Any lesions we feel are too complicated or involve coexisting haemorrhoids or fissures we would refer to our specialist colorectal surgeon who may need to perform any treatment under general rather than local anaesthetic.

Costs of anal skin tag removal are from £750

Prices vary depending on complexity. In most cases all treatments can also be done on the same day. We also offer removal of vaginal / genital skin tags from £500.


30-45 minutes







Patient Reviews

Leading care, recommended by patients

Treatment Price

Anal Skin Tag Treatment Information

Can I treat anal skin tags at home?

We understand why people might ideally prefer to find a way to deal with skin tags in private areas in their homes. Be warned, however, that diagnosing oneself is not always the best idea. For those who are not familiar with skin tags, it may be possible to confuse them with the symptoms of another disease such as genital warts. As this is a sensitive area and not easy to see what you are doing the best option is to book a consultation with a doctor. In addition, home remedies can be expensive and ineffective. Some may even be harmful. We recommend professional diagnosis and treatment in the patient’s best interests.


Get In Touch

Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

Office Hours

We are currently closed, but open again at 09:00
Monday: 09:00 – 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 – 17:30
Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed
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