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Moles on the face

Facial moles are very common, especially with age and increased sun exposure. They can be hard to hide. Find out more about facial moles.

Facial Mole removal


Moles on the face

Facial moles are very common, especially with age and increased sun exposure. They can be hard to hide. Find out more about facial moles.

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 0207 386 0464

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Treatments for facial moles

What are moles on the face?

Family history of relatives with lots of moles also contributes to the likelihood of you getting moles on your face.

The commonest type of moles on the face are benign intradermal naevi. These are skin coloured or lightly brown moles that stick out of the skin often in areas around the chin and mouth but also on the cheeks and forehead. These can slowly grow over the years and get to a size that is unsightly or catch when shaving.

Facial moles can also in some cases sprout hair, which is particularly difficult for the patient. Most patients often end up going to see their GP who says the NHS can’t help them as they are deemed cosmetic and also say they are not worrying and a scar would be worse.

See pricing for facial mole removal costs. Call our friendly team today on 0207 386 0464 and see if this something that could help you too.

Obviously if there is a concern then the GP would refer you appropriately to see a specialist and this should always be a prudent step to simply get any changing mole checked.

Fortunately skin surgery and laser mole removal now has evolved over the years so that mole removal nowadays often leaves only a minimal scar that is in most cases far more cosmetically acceptable. It is also painless and often all done in less than an hour.


30-45 minutes


No downtime





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