How do you get rid of them?
7 July 2020Are there any over the counter remedies for skin tags?
8 July 2020This patient kindly shared their experience of anal skin tag removal, to help others know what to expect.
Diary of my Bottom!
- Day 1: Felt incredibly nervous about the procedure beforehand. However it was no way near as bad as I had imagined. The local anaesthetic injection was a little uncomfortable but didn’t really hurt. I could not feel anything during the procedure and it was over within a few minutes.
I felt a bit numb in the bottom department for a few hours but there was no pain. I had a gauze padding the area and when I checked this a few hours later there had been some bleeding and weeping. I changed this padding every few hours and found further bleeding and weeping. - Day 2: Woke up and found there had been a small amount of bleeding overnight but no more than one gauze could absorb.
I went to the toilet for the first time. Worried that this was going to hurt but i was able to go without any pain just felt a bit sore and tender. The wound opened up without any problems although there was a little bit of fresh bleeding. Throughout the day there was a little more fresh bleeding and weeping. Again no pain just felt a little uncomfortable. - Day 3: No bleeding overnight just weeping and this continued throughout the day. When I went to the toilet there was a little bit of blood but only when going and nothing afterwards. Again no pain but an uncomfortable feeling. Wouldn’t feel up to riding a bike just yet!
- Day 4: Hardly any weeping overnight so did not require any padding throughout the day. There was a tiny bit of bleeding when I went to the toilet but no pain. However area still feeling tender to touch.
- Day 5: No weeping overnight at all so started to apply Vaseline to the area. There was no blood when using the toilet but still felt tender when going. When just walking around could still feel that I had had the procedure.
- Day 6: Back to work today but felt fine and even went to the gym after work. Avoided the exercise bike but running was fine. No pain but was still aware that it was a little tender. No bleeding or weeping.
- Day 7: Felt much better going to the toilet today and only felt tender when wiping.
- Day 8: Again no tenderness when going to the toilet only when wiping. Area continues to heal well.
- Days 9-14: Very similar to day 8.
- Day 15: Area felt almost completely healed and there was no longer tenderness when wiping.
- Day 16: I would say that I was no longer aware that I had had the procedure and felt completely normal when using the toilet.
Results of Treatment:
“I am completely satisfied with how the procedure went. The fact that there was hardly any pain was an unexpected bonus. I would recommend it to anyone thinking about having it done as I now feel so much more hygienic and have bottom confidence again!”