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Laser Wart Removal Treatment

From £345

Laser Wart Treatment


Laser Wart Removal Treatment

From £345

Results in as little as 1 session
Safe, quick and gentle
Clinics in London & Bristol
Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

 0207 386 0464

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Laser Wart Removal Treatment

Our advanced laser technology works to destroy the virus causing warts so that they are stopped for good.

About Laser Treatment

Cosmedics’ doctors offer advanced laser technology to destroy the virus causing warts. 

Treating warts can be a very long and frustrating experience. Over the counter remedies such as solutions and home-freezing sprays may appear a cheap alternative but are often ineffective at completely resolving the problem and if they don’t work, the problem is likely to get worse.

For those who’ve failed elsewhere, a laser is an excellent option for removing warts or verruca.

Why Laser?

The laser penetrates the skin to destroy the papillomavirus beneath the skin’s surface so that the wart is finally stopped.

At Cosmedics Skin Clinics, all wart treatments are done by our doctors as this is a medical treatment and without an expert, care can cause problems.

The treatment itself is surprisingly comfortable. Depending on the area being treated, the doctor may numb the area in advance, but this isn’t always necessary. After treatment, the skin will blister for a few days then go red. Wounds generally healed in under a week.

Other Wart Treatments

All London clinics also offer cryotherapy treatment, which freezes warts.

For particularly stubborn warts, we offer surgery.

Good to Know

All treatments are on a day case basis and most can be done on the same day as your appointment at our ‘See & Treat’ clinics.

We also now offer treatment for verruca – plantar warts.

Treatment Benefits


15-30 minutes


No downtime





Laser Wart Removal Costs

Wart removal treatmentCost
Wart treatment with laser or surgery or combination of bothfrom £345 per session
Verruca treatmentfrom £345 per session
Genital wart removal (vaginal, penile or anal lesions)from £500 per session

Laser Wart Removal Consultation

The cost of consultation with our doctors is £75. This is redeemable against the cost of treatment carried out on the same day.

Prices are a guide to the costs and the exact price can only be determined once the doctor has examined you in person. Most warts don’t need histology testing. However, in certain circumstances if the doctor thinks it is necessary, then they will discuss this with you and the related costs.

We also offer private treatment for warts in intimate areas – genital wart removal.

Please call 0207 386 0464 OR email enquiries@cosmedics.co.uk for advice and help.

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Laser Wart Removal FAQ: Questions & Answers

Which warts are best for laser treatment?

We recommend that laser wart removal is the best way forward for:

Why do I have to have a consultation before laser wart removal

A consultation with one of our doctors or surgeons is the starting point to your treatment. The doctor/surgeon will fully inspect and assess your wart(s) in order to advise on the most appropriate treatment programme. They will also confirm the cost of treatment.

Prices for treatments carried out in the same appointment as the consultation will include the consultation fee (note: same-day procedures are only undertaken where the procedure is deemed appropriate to do so AND the patient understands the full extent of the costs, risks and potential side effects and is consenting to proceed on that knowledge).

Can I get laser wart removal done at the consultation?

Yes – our unique ‘See & Treat’ system enables clients to go ahead with treatment in the same appointment as their consultation. We make our appointment times generous to allow for immediate treatment (as long as both patient and Doctor/Surgeon are agreed). If you’re not sure there’s no obligation to go ahead straightaway; you’re welcome to arrange treatment for another day if preferred.

Do I need to get my wart tested after removal?

This is not normally necessary for warts, but occasionally our Doctors/Surgeons may advise patients to have their skin lesions sent for histology/testing. Very occasionally rare or suspicious things are detected early on in lesions that can look normal. We charge the lowest prices possible for histology (testing) as we realise patients may feel it is not required, but it is essential if your doctor has recommended it.

Any test results or correspondence will be sent to your email account via an encrypted system.

How long does it take to heal up?

The area heals a bit like a graze or a scrape. Initially it will look quite open, but can be protected with a dressing if required to keep it clean. It only takes around 10-14 days for the wound to cover over with new skin, then there will be a pink mark for a few more weeks, which then fades away, leaving smooth and clear skin.

How long is the waiting list?

Our treatments are very popular, but our service is designed to be accessible and to keep waiting to a minimum. With a choice of 5 clinics and a team of surgeons/doctors, we aim to minimise waiting for anyone who wants treatment. You can browse availability through our online booking. Please get in touch if you can’t see what you’re looking for.

Is laser wart removal painful?

Treatment is completely pain-free, as we can use a numbing cream or give a local anaesthetic prior to the procedure, depending on requirements. We know that patients worry about whether it will hurt, but they’re all very pleased to find out that it doesn’t.

What type of laser is used?

It is not the same type of laser as used by beauticians, but a medical/surgical device used for removing skin lesions and blemishes. Our doctors/surgeons use a device designed for radiosurgery.

Can you get rid of the wart in just one session?

We would certainly aim to. With laser wart removal, we are not merely killing the virus but literally removing the infected skin. This treatment has approximately an 80% success rate.

We will give you our best assessment of what results to expect during your consultation, after examination of the warts.

Can I email a picture for quick advice?

Yes – please email a photo to enquiries@cosmedics.co.uk. This doesn’t replace the need for a face to face consultation prior to treatment, but our experts can often assess quite accurately from a photo what sort of treatment technique would be most appropriate and therefore the likely cost. Their initial advice can be very helpful if you’re not sure what to expect.

Is the wart still contagious after treatment?

No – once it’s been removed, the nice thing is the fact that you’re no longer contagious. So you can return home with peace of mind that you are unlikely to infect others.


Get In Touch

Please call us or fill in the form below and we will be delighted to help with your enquiry.

Office Hours

We are currently closed, but open again at 09:00
Monday: 09:00 – 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 – 17:30
Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed
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